
We are supporting the precious Japanese culture “Kakejiku”
in order to inherit the craftsmanship.


What is Kakejiku / 掛け軸とは

The kakejiku is a Japanese hanging scroll used for displaying calligraphy or painting. Typically hung in tokonoma (built-in alcove) or on walls, it has played an important part in Japanese interior decoration since ancient times. The concept of tokonoma was born during the Kamakura period (12th-14th century) as part of an architectural style called shoin-zukuri, which was influenced by Zen Buddhism. As the tokonoma became more popular, so did the kakejiku. Later, in the Muromachi period (14th-16th century), the value of the kakejiku was raised to new heights thanks to the teachings of the great tea master Sen no Rikyu. It was at this time, as the culture of the tea ceremony took hold, that it became the custom to change the kakejiku depending on the season, the time of day, and the status and taste of one’s visitors.

書や画を表装して床の間や壁間に掛けて飾ったり鑑賞したりするもので、古来よりインテリアデコレーションとして重要な役割をもっていました。 鎌倉時代以後、禅宗の影響を受け中国禅宗寺院の建築様式に倣った書院造りが発展して「床の間」が誕生、掛軸が流行します。 室町時代には茶の湯の発展とともに千利休が掛軸の重要性を説き、季節や時間、来客者の格式や趣味を考慮し掛け軸を取り替える習慣が生まれました。

Story / 物語

01. Art for everyday life / 美術と暮らす

Your very own art piece, from your very own photo

When it comes to art, price is irrelevant.
What matters is that you love it.
Having a piece of art you love can transform the quality of everyday life.
Is art necessary to life?
This question needs no answer.


そう、人生にアートは必要か? 言うまでもない。

02. Precious Memories / 大切な想い出

Capturing the moment to prolong its pleasure.

A scene from your travels with friends… time spent at home with family…
Each of us finds moments of joy in our daily life.
A photograph preserves these brief moments as memory
Allowing you to look back from the future to appreciate your past
And savour the memories as years go by.



03. Japanese Spirit / 日本の心

Gap, Silence, Encounter… Hallmarks of the craftsman’s work

Since ancient times, the Japanese have valued the world of the invisible.
The self silently encountering the object – unique, hand-crafted.
Object and space. The gaps that arise between.
The fullness of time unveiled.
These are the treasures of the Japanese spirit.

間、静寂、対峙 … 職人の手仕事


04. Practical Design / 掛け軸の機能美

Light・Compact・Durable Kakejiku – the best of Japanese design

The kakejiku is made of fabric and paper, and has no hard frame, easy to hang wherever. It can be rolled up and stored in a small box. Thanks to the technique of traditional, your kakejiku will last into future generations

「軽・納・保」 掛軸は日本の知恵の結集


Our Passion / こだわり

“ART PHOTO KAKEJIKU” is a traditional hanging scroll in which layers of paper are placed delicately on top of the other by hand. The technique is called "backing" overlaying a thin Japanese paper on the back side of the artwork. Even though it turns out to be in multiple layers, the final work is exquisite as if it were a piece of paper. This is what we call "craftsmanship."
The method adds tight tension to the paper, increases durability, and turns into fine arts, which can be inherited over generation although it is made of paper.

“ART PHOTO KAKEJIKU”は伝統的な掛軸の技法にのっとり、掛軸職人による本格的な手仕事仕様で作られています。その技法は「裏打ち」という裏面に薄い和紙を幾重にも重ねていくものですが、出来栄えは厚ぼったくならず、まるでそれが一枚の紙のように見えるのです。まさにこの技術こそが職人の技。

Products / 商品

Product / 商品名


Price / 価格

ALL 29,000円(JPY)   ※Free Shipping / 送料込み

Design / デザイン

With a design that is both contemporary and classic, it is an art piece which will provide lasting pleasure.
The central crystal bar is made from refined acrylic.



01. Vertical Design / 縦デザイン

This design is only for vertical photo.

HANA / 花

Horizontal Strip Design / 上下アクセント デザイン

LEFT : Product No / 商品番号【KHA-01】

Product Name / 商品名 【HANA BUDO / 花 葡萄】
Colour / 色 【Burgundy Brown x Pink / 葡萄茶色 x 薄桜色】

RIGHT : Product No / 商品番号【KHA-02】

Product Name / 商品名 【HANA UGUISU / 花 鶯】
Colour / 色 【Olive Green x Orange / 鶯色 x 橙】

TORI / 鳥

Full Surround Design / 全体アクセント デザイン

LEFT : Product No / 商品番号【KTO-03】

Product Name / 商品名 【TORI ASAGI / 鳥 浅葱】
Colour / 色 【Blue Green x Light Beige / 浅葱色 x 淡黄色】

RIGHT : Product No / 商品番号【KTO-04】

Product Name / 商品名 【TORI SHIRAYUKI / 鳥 白雪】
Colour / 色 【Snow White x Black / 白雪 x 黒】

02. Horizontal Design / 横デザイン

This design is only for horizontal photo.

KAZE / 風

Horizontal Strip Design / 上下アクセント デザイン

LEFT : Product No / 商品番号【KKA-01】

Product Name / 商品名 【KAZE BUDO / 風 葡萄】
Colour / 色 【Burgundy Brown x Pink / 葡萄茶色 x 薄桜色】

RIGHT : Product No / 商品番号【KKA-02】

Product Name / 商品名 【KAZE UGUISU / 風 鶯】
Colour / 色 【Olive Green x Orange / 鶯色 x 橙】


Full Surround Design / 全体アクセント デザイン

LEFT : Product No / 商品番号【KTS-03】

Product Name / 商品名 【TSUKI ASAGI / 月 浅葱】
Colour / 色 【Blue Green x Light Beige / 浅葱色 x 淡黄色】

RIGHT : Product No / 商品番号【KTS-04】

Product Name / 商品名 【TSUKI SHIRAYUKI / 月 白雪】
Colour / 色 【Snow White x Black / 白雪 x 黒】

How to Order / ご注文方法

Check the Shopping Guide(Payment, Cancellation, Returns&Exhcanges etc.) and Order Flow from the button below.
Then send us your order information from the order form.


Order Form / オーダーフォーム

>> Terms & Condition /特定商取引法に基づく表記

※ Please be aware of a fake website.
This product is our original brand. Despite the fact that it has nothing to do with our business,
it copies our design and product image. So, please be careful when purchasing.

